Operation Re-Watch LOST

I officially finished my Junior year of college yesterday. That, my friends, is quite scary. Real World Countdown: 1 year. In the meantime, however, I plan on making the most of my summer free time (I say "free" meaning the time when I'm not at work. It's nice not having homework, yes?). I foresee much reading by the pool in the next few weeks until the temperature hits the triple digits when being outside is just silly, after which I plan on using my Netflix account to its fullest extent.
So, I've decided that it's finally time to do it. Re-Watch LOST. As the final season comes to a close, it just makes sense to go back and watch all of the old episodes again. LOST is one of those shows that is planned so impeccably (almost all of the time)that re-watching is worth every second. And no, I'm not one of those LOST junkies trying to ease the pain of withdrawal, I'm just a girl who loves watching stories unfold. And this story is masterful. It almost seems like a crime that it has to be split up into seasons with long months of hiatus during which I forget all those minor details which make LOST so interesting. Also, I like the idea of writing for television, and the only way to learn how is to watch the good stuff.
If you're not a LOST fan, I get it. It can be pretty ridiculous in its epic-ness, and its certainly not for everyone. But if you just haven't watched it, I suggest it. It takes a lot of dedication to pick something like this up mid-series because every episode holds so much crucial information, but its well worth the time (and you can make a summer project out of it!).
So I'm probably going to be posting some of my reactions to re-watching LOST here. Not too many (and don't you worry Katie, I won't bore you with too many details), but I think it's interesting to think about the crazy-awesome plot structure JJ Abrams, Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse created.

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